So with the strong encouragement from my good friend Susan Elizabeth, I have decided to start a blog. Living in New York you see a lot of things that really just make you stop and say, Really? Are you serious!? Having been here for almost two years now, I can honestly say it happens almost daily.
As I was on the subway this weekend on the way home from a Yankee game with my Mom and Dad visiting from Michigan, we got to experience a truly "are you serious" moment. A young guy enters the train and begins to address the passengers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am about to entertain you. Please have no worries, no one will be hurt, but all will be amazed." What followed was a masterful display of acrobatic talent.

I normally do not give money to people pan-handling, but there was something special about this kid. Something that lead me to believe he was working hard for a bigger dream.