Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Intolerant Tolerant

Here is something I just don't understand....why is everyone jumping all over Chick-Fil-A? They have a view point, everyone is entitled to one, but because it is a "faith based" stance it makes them bigots? If there opinion was the other way, would they be hero's? I thought the big goal is "tolerance"?  Wouldn't that mean you are to be tolerant of view points and opinions that may or may not be the same as yours? Chick-Fil-A has never made it a secret that their owners are Christians and by that you would assume they will more than likely have a biblical view on a lot of social issues.

I just don't get the back lash. If they professed their views to be the other way, the media would be praising them, but instead, because their value lies in a biblical stance, they are being crucified and accused of being judgmental and condemning a section of society. Why? Because they have a view point? Isn't everyone entitled to one? I thought that was the whole point that modern society it trying to get everyone to be tolerant. Isn't the anger towards Chick-Fil-A intolerant? I thought we were all suppose to be accepting?

Regardless of your stance on the issue, why is  the conservative view point considered "intolerant" but a liberal view point the only acceptable way? I make no secret that I was raised in an extremely conservative home, but has I grew up and formed my own views, I became less and less conservative. That doesn't mean I left my values, it just means I became an adult.

I guess what I am getting at is, regardless of your view point, can we all just stop pointing fingers and be nice?

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