The array of unique creatures you will find roaming the streets of New York are usually contained to those in which you would see rummaging through the trash, such as cat sized rats and roaches the size of a small child. (ok, I exaggerate on the size of the creatures but you get my point).
As we are walking home from an invigorating morning at the playground, we notice something scurrying across Bleeker Street that did not fit the description of a normal street creature in New York. As we got closer, this is what we saw....

When we got home, we googled "what to feed a crab". Not having much luck on google as to what to feed a sea crab, Amber did the next logical thing of course, call 311. As you can imagine the woman on the other end of the phone sounded rather stunned at the words coming out of Amber's mouth, "Let me get this straight...You found a what? In New York? On the street?" Not having much success with 311 we decided that lettuce would be a good thing to give Marlin. So we found a few thing that would make him as comfortable as possible. A little bit of water, sand and of course the lettuce.

The kids were very proud of Marlin and told every one around what they had found on the street. Sadly, by the end of the day Marlin suffered the same fate that he would have most likely suffered had he made it to his delivery location or by the bus earlier that day. Although we like to think we made his adventure a little more exciting by saving him from him impending doom by deep frier or a bus tire.
lol....only in NY!