You see all sorts of people walking the streets of New York, some lively and colorful, others looking half dead or in my case today you see something that looks like the living dead. As I headed up town today in a cab, I look out of the corner of my eye to see what seemed to be a person hanging out a window. When I fully turn my head around I see this....

Nothing like a mummy reaching out of a scary looking car to scare the crap out of a 4 year old. As I looked closer to the car, I see very elaborate detail to the decor of the vehicle. I have to say, I was quite impressed. It reminded me of my neighbors growing up and their very over the top halloween decorations that also scared the crap out of me as a kid! Turns out, the decked out "dead" limo, was an advertisement for Jekyll and Hyde a hunted restaurant bar here in Manhattan. I'll give it to them for attention grabbing, certainly got mine.
oh my word...that's NY, it really does numb your's kind of like you see it and know it is bizzar...but you accept it as normal when you are there.